term | meaning (click term for explanation in text) |
cardinal mark | family of marks in the IALA buoyage system |
chart datum | survey datum to which charted positions (latitude, longitude) are referred (same term is used for height datum to which depth are referred) |
chart plotter | device which displays charts on a screen |
chart 5011 | Admiralty publication: Symbols and Abbreviations Used on Admiralty Charts |
daymark | an unlit structure built (and charted) to assist daytime navigation |
direction light | a light which show in a particular direction |
east cardinal | an IALA buoyage system mark in the cardinal mark family |
fixed | a light showing on continuously |
general direction of buoyage | the direction in which channels are defined by keeping port-hand marks to port and starboard-hand marks to starboard |
height datum | datum to which charted heights above sea level are referred (usually MHWS) |
IALA buoyage system | an internationally agreed convention for navigation marks, defining what they look like and how they are used |
interrupted | a flashing light which stops flashing for a time them resumes |
isolated danger mark | a mark in the IALA buoyage system showing an isolated danger |
isophase | a light which shows alternately on and off for equal times |
large scale | chart which shows a small geographical area in great detail |
lateral mark | family of marks in the IALA buoyage system |
light characteristics | the pattern and colour of a light, as described on a chart |
luminous range | the brightness of a light, expressed as its nominal visible range in good visibility |
mercator | a projection (q.v.) which is commonly used for marine charts |
navigation | (see pilotage) set of techniques of getting from A to B, off-shore and not close to dangers |
navigational aids | marks, lights and buoys placed to assist in navigation and pilotage |
north cardinal | an IALA buoyage system mark in the cardinal mark family |
occulting | a light which shows mainly on and goes off for short periods (the on periods are longer than the off periods) |
period | the length of time it takes for a light pattern to repeat itself |
pilotage | (see navigation) set of techniques for getting into or out of harbour and navigating close to dangers |
port-hand lateral mark | an IALA buoyage system mark in the lateral mark family |
preferred channel mark | an IALA buoyage system mark in the lateral mark family |
projection | the technique used for representing the curved surface of the earth on a flat paper chart |
region A | geographical area where IALA lateral marks are defined in a particular way (different from Region B) |
region B | geographical area where IALA lateral marks are defined in a particular way (different from Region A) |
safe water mark | a mark in the IALA buoyage system showing safe water or the entrance to a channel |
scale | ratio between distance represented and distance on the chart |
sectored light | a light which shows different colours in different directions |
small scale | a chart which shows a large area with little detail of ports etc |
south cardinal | an IALA buoyage system mark in the cardinal mark family |
special mark | a mark defined in the IALA buoyage system which is placed for another purpose and is not a navigational aid |
starboard-hand lateral mark | an IALA buoyage system mark in the lateral mark family |
transit marks | marks which are arranged to line up guide vessels, e.g. into and out of a harbour |
transverse mercator | a projection (q.v.) which is commonly used for marine charts |
west cardinal mark | an IALA buoyage system mark in the cardinal mark family |
WGS 84 | World Geodetic System 1984 - a chart surveying datum which is becoming standard because of ite compatibility with GPS |